Why limit your classic motoring pleasure to the summer months? By following the tips in this guide, there’s no reason why enjoying your classic all year round will harm it in any way. In fact, giving your classic regular outings rather than laying it up will ensure that it’s in a better state of service come Spring.
Change the antifreeze it if it’s over three years old or its strength is unknown. Dilute one part antifreeze with two parts distilled or soft water. Blue ethylene glycol is suitable for most classics.

Lubricate locks
To prevent water penetrating, pack the locks with petroleum jelly by dipping a key in and working it in and out. Alternatively, inject it with penetrating or silicone oil regularly. Oil the rotating cylinder too.

Prepare electrics
Clean vulnerable wiring connectors and spray with penetrating oil. Top-up the battery with distilled water and charge periodically. Make sure the lights work and the reflectors are in good condition.

Service brakes
Remove and grease the caliper pins, mounting shoulders of drums and handbrake cables. Remove pads and work the caliper pistons in and out. Clean, then smear silicone oil or grease under the boots.

Check boots
Check all suspension and driveshaft boots. If any are damaged, clean and regrease the joint and install a new boot. Salty water or residual powdered rust will quickly destroy balljoints and CV joints.