Restorer of the Year celebrates the shed heroes who, every year, produce extraordinary work breathing life back into basket cases and bringing classics that are going nowhere back to the road. With our sponsors Halfords, we'll scour the land to bring you the very best, then you get to nominate your favourites (and get entered into the Halfords prize draw). Then we will visit and video the top five nominees so that you can meet the eventual winner at the PC Classic Car and Restoration show at the NEC next March.
Vote Now!
March 2024

Daniel Rooney - 1960 Austin Seven Mini
Past saving? Probably, but that didn’t stop Daniel Rooney reviving it to as-new condition.
Find Daniel's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/gyqdi/biyy/#p=1

Martin Travis - BMW Z3
Martin Travis’s mum couldn’t bear to part with his late dad’s car, so he restored it for her.
Find Martin's Full article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/gyqdi/wxni/#p=1
February 2024

Dave Lowden- Triumph TR4
Dave Lowden never got to finish his first
TR restoration – so, second time around, there
was no way he was going to be defeated
Find Dave's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/tbvz/#p=1

Clive Davies - Subaru WRX STI
Clive Davies bought a Subaru from his brother
for £500 – now it’s a 416bhp masterpiece.
Find Clive's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/gyqdi/urft/#p=1
January 2024

Andy Belfield - Austin 1800 VR6
Yes, you read that correctly. Andy Belfield decided to
drop a Volkswagen VR6 into his stately Austin
Find Andy's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/rxwf/#p=1

Robert Churchyard - Rover Mini Open
Robert Churchyard's Mini Project was a fair way rustier than he thought , but he played on.
Find Robert's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/gyqdi/ccxb/#p=1
December 2023 Issue

Jeremy Evans - 1948 CB Jowett Bradford Special
Jeremy Evans’s 1948 CB Jowett Bradford Special is just that, truly special.
Find Jeremy's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/gyqdi/cybr/#p=1

Mathew Roberts- Triumph Spitfire Puma
The need to do something different and a love of
Ford’s fizzy Puma engine led Mathew Roberts
to create this rowdy little roadster.
Find Mathew's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/ukki/#p=1
November 2023 Issue

David Slade - 1954 Ford Thames Van
For David Slade, every resto is personal…
but this 1954 Ford Thames is truly special.
Find David's full article from Practical Classic here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/ewll/#p=1

Philip Hanson - Citroen CX
When our James Walshe sold his old Citroën to Philip
Hanson, the transformation of the UK’s earliest CX began.
Find Philip's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/dtoz/#p=1
October 2023 Issue

Gareth Whiting- Rover P5B
Gareth Whiting's P5B has evolved
somewhat since its Nineties revival.
Find Gareth's full Article in Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/xmjw/#p=1

Gary Needs- Renault 5 Turbo
This future of this car was looking bleak, until
resto hero Gary Needs took on the challenge.
Find Gary's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/saap/#p=1
September 2023 Issue

Martin West- Ford Capri 2.8i
Manx resident Martin West restored his
Ford Capri 2.8i and isn't afraid to use it.
Find Martin's full article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/yfnr/#p=1

Max Wilcox- Alfasud
Max Willcox restored an Alfasud
with all the passion and flair of
Italy… in the heart of England.
Find Max's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/blzm/#p=1
August 2023 Issue

Brian Kent- Humber Super Snipe Estate
Brian restored
all the interior – except
the carpets, which
were specialist-made
Find Brian's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/gvtd/#p=1

Pete Richardson-TVR Grantura
Built from boxes, Pete Richardson restored a rare
TVR Grantura that professionals had abandoned
Find Pete's Full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/kiwi/#p=1
July 2023 Issue

Phil Robson - Rover 2000
Phil Robson took on the task
of reviving one of the oldest
surviving Rover 2000s. Some
18 years later, it's finished
Find Phil's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/ctcd/#p=1

Reg and Paul Harwood - Sierra 4x4 Ghia
Reg and Paul Harwood ‘s restoration faced plenty of challenges, but the result is simply stunning.
Find Reg and Paul's full article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/qgel/#p=1
June 2023 Issue

Ian Wells - Vauxhall PA Cresta
Ian Wells has dreamt of this ever
since he saw a pink PA on the
cover of Practical Classics.
Find Ian's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/iqje/#p=1

Andy Kenning- Lotus Elan Plus 2
This Elan +2 wasn’t for the faint-hearted,
but Andy Kenning’s efforts paid off.
Find Andy's full Article from Practical Classics here : https://online.fliphtml5.com/czelr/unpi/#p=1
Spring Issue 2023

Mike Jordan and Craig Watton - Cortina De Luxe
Mike Jordan and friend Craig Watton have brought and finished last summer England's oldest example back to glittering life.
Find Mike and Craig's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/gyqdi/wyzs/#p=1

Paul Nicholas - Bond Equipe
Paul Nicholas bought it as a teaching aid to help his son Tom learn about mechanics.
Find Paul's full article from Practical Classics here : https://www.flipsnack.com/557DDAEEFB5/me-and-my-resto-equipe_rd-pdf-spread/full-view.html
May 2023 Issue

David Cole - Rover P5B Saloon
No registration and full of holes, David Cole
knew this was one special P5B saloon.
Find David's full article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/czelr/bxhb/#p=1

Ken Atkinson - Mini Cooper
Restoring this ex-racer has taken
Ken Atkinson right back to his youth.
Find Ken's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/aaoid/srlr/#p=1
April 2023 Issue

Ian Brindley -Triumph TR5
The desirable combo of curvy Michelotti styling and six-cylinder, fuel-injected oomph meant that Ian Brindley just had to restore this TR5.
Find Ian's full article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/czelr/ytzy/#p=1

Derek Lyford - Bond Bug
Derek Lyford went out intending to buy a Porsche, but caught a Bug instead.
Find Derek's full article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/czelr/lumv/#p=1
March 2023 Issue

David Lester - TVR Grantura
What began as an easy project quickly snowballed into an epic restoration that took
one resourceful enthusiast to the very brink.
Find David's full Article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/gyqdi/jfet/#p=1

Gary Mavers- Rolls Royce Corniche
Gary Mavers took on one of the
most difficult cars to restore and
achieved a childhood dream.
Find Gary's full article from Practical Classics here: https://online.fliphtml5.com/czelr/exgx/#p=1
February 2023

Tim Parrott - MG TA
When Tim Parrott rescued his MG TA from a Scottish barn, it was only the beginning!
Find Tim's full article from Practical Classics here: https://www.flipsnack.com/557DDAEEFB5/me-and-my-resto-mg-tom-dh_rd-pdf-spread/full-view.html